The average two year old child adds around 5 new words to their vocabulary every day and is generally more active than at any other point in their life. By the time they are four, a child will ask around 437 questions a day. This development can be simultaneously exhilarating and exhausting for parents, but will help a child develop the skills and understanding they will use for the rest of their lives. For this reason, it is natural to wonder how to find a good daycare: after all, how can you be sure which day care providers will properly help and support your child’s development? However, thanks to a growing trend in childcare, it is now often possible for parents to remain in fairly close contact with their children even as they work. An increasingly common choice from childcare options for working parents, corporate childcare solutions offer a number of benefits to children, parents, and their employers.
Corporate daycare facilities are on-site childcare facilities sponsored or subsidized by companies, often exclusively for employees. Typically, these onsite daycare centers are run by independent, contracted day care providers, who staff them with their own certified and trained employees. Because the care offered at these facilities is often subsidized, daycare offered at these centers is often much easier for parents to afford: studies show that the cost of putting two children in childcare exceeds the median annual rent payments in every state. As about 90% of childcare costs are assumed by the parents in the United States, this can make a significant difference in the lives of employees and their children.
Corporate daycare is also beneficial to the companies who provide them: offering corporate childcare not only helps companies attract new employees, but also helps them retain current employees. Additionally, more than 80 of the companies in Working Mothers magazine’s “Top 100 Companies for Working Mothers” offer some form of corporate childcare to their employees. Could corporate childcare help your family, your business, or even both? See this reference for more.