Daycare fort lee nj, Preschool checklist, Summer programs

Are You Happy with the Preschool That Your Children Attend?

You got to step away from work today to be a Montessori mom and celebrate your daughter’s birthday in her classroom for a bit. Thanks to her magical teacher, a well trained Montessori guide, she had an incredible Walk Around the Sun, and felt super special on her big day! You, on the other hand, you just tried to hold it together. You are more than thankful that you got to be a part of it all.

At the end of the celebration where you celebrated her turning the big four you asked her what her favorite thing to do is she will emphatically said, “Running!” She also indicated that she loves to write numbers and letters, teach her brother how to do big boy stuff, show us her latest ballerina moves, and as always, sing her heart out. She makes everyone around her smile, especially her proud Mom and Dad.

You realize, however, that much of the joy of her days comes from the time she gets to spend with her friends at school. You still remember the day you made the decision to tour a preschool for the first time. It was scary, but you knew that if you found the right caring educational setting you could handle the difficult task of sending your first child to school for the first time.

Childcare and Preschool Decisions Are Some of the Most Difficult Early Decisions Families Have to Make

Most communities have many options when it comes to childcare centers and preschools. The fact that so many families have two working parents means that there are many couples who go in search of the best educational experience for their children. In fact, Among 51% of three to five year olds who were enrolled in preschool programs in 2015 attended full-day programs.

The earliest academic preschool activities help set the stage for the success that your children will have later in life. And while preschool philosophies ca vary, it is important to remember that it is always important to remember that few things are more important than the a caring and well trained teacher. The fact that 75% of young children in the U.S. participate in a preschool program means that it the class room teachers across the country are having a major impact on the future of the next generation.

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