If you have children, you likely only want the very best for them. This is especially true in terms of the education they receive. Their education is the foundation for everything else they will or will not accomplish in life, so you need to choose the bet option for them. Check out why you should be considering private schooling!
Dedicated Teachers
About 91% of parents cited more dedicated teachers as the reason for their decision in schools during a study by the Fraser Institute. On average, national SAT scores are 497 in reading, 514 in math, and 489 in writing. However, those attending private schools scored 541, 579, and 550 respectively. This is due to the fact that teachers spend more time ensuring that their students comprehend what they are being taught, rather than breezing through and hoping for the best. This means your child gets a better overall education.
Unbeatable Programs
Student athletes and school clubs and organizations are unparalleled outside of the private schooling system. Children attending private school did better in honors programs, athletics, and had more extracurricular activities on average than those in public schools. The programs offered in private schools are simply of a higher caliber than ones found in the public counterparts. These schools have the resources to make their programs the best they possibly can be.
A Step Ahead
Those who were enrolled in preschool programs proved to do 21% better in their subsequent schooling than those who were not. The same can be said throughout their educations. The better the environment and the harder they are pushed, the better they will do. They will always be a step ahead of those who didn’t participate.
Are you planning to send you child to a private school or do they already attend? What do you think are the key advantages?