Traditional high school does not work for everyone. Some teenagers struggle to succeed in an eight or nine hour school setting. They are forced to take classes that they do not understand or cannot focus their attention on. They are forced to drop out because of poor grades or attendance rates, and their college and career opportunities are limited. What if you could, instead, enroll your teenager into non traditional high school, or tech high schools that were better suited for their learning needs?
Increased one on one attention
Most public and private schools have an average of one teacher to 25 or even 30 students, which means that the teacher?s time and attention is limited at best. Students that require a little extra attention in a subject may not be able to get the help they need. They quickly fall behind and lose motivation in school. The tech high school or accredited online schools allow the student to learn at their own pace. They can also directly contact instructors and peers for additional help with subjects.
Improved technological skills
Many of today?s high schools are not keeping up with current technological skills. When a school does not have access to sufficient computers or computer programs, the students suffer. With much of the world focusing on technology and how it contributes to the working world, this could leave them at a disadvantage when they graduate. Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen believes that by the year 2019, 50% of all classes for grades K through 12 will be taught online. Anyone that wants to be successful in today?s world needs to have strong technological skills. A tech high school can provide your teen with those necessary skills.
Blended learning models
Free online schools operate with blended learning models. Studies are constantly conducted on the best methods to teach students. The problem, however, is that all students learn in their own way. Choosing one method of teaching is not going to accommodate all students. The tech high school model, however, takes all of the leading methods of education and combines them into one that everyone can benefit from. According to a survey by Learning in the 21st Century, 76% of respondents believe blended learning is beneficial to students.
Greater focus on trades
Students in the traditional high school educational model are likely to spend many of their academic years focusing on classes that they will never use again. Some of these classes include English, Science, and History. Although a base level of this knowledge is important, the primary focus should be on more hands on lessons. Choice schools give teenagers the opportunity to choose classes that they are interested in. When they have an interest in the lessons being taught, they are more likely to remain motivated and focused. These specific skills will also give them a heads up for college or technical programs following high school graduation.
Reduction in busy work and timelines
Because the focus of tech high schools is on the student learning the skills, there is a reduction in busy work and specified timelines. It does not matter so much as to how many assignments a student can turn in, but more so on the quality of those assignments. Students learn at different paces and enforcing strict deadlines can cause them to rush their work, and thus, their education.
School is not for everyone. Some people simple do not succeed in a traditional academic setting, where homework has due dates and you are required to sit in classrooms for many hours of the day. Instead of allowing your teenager to drop out altogether, consider an alternative tech high school. These free online schools are programs that are catered to the non traditional student. They provide many advantages, including more one on one attention from instructors, an increase in technological skills, blended learning models, and more specified coursework. The future of education is changing. Utilize it now to meet your teen?s specific learning needs.