As a farmer, you must take agricultural drainage seriously. In agricultural drainage, you will deal with surface and subsurface drainage. You need to know where it is going to be the wettest for the longest time possible.
Is it on the hills or the valleys? It is going to be wetter in the valleys. Despite long spells of drought, the low grounds will have some water down in the soil a little bit. But on the hilltops, you will find no water. Water keeps moving all the time. Whether you realize it or not, water will be moving below ground. So, many people think that, regardless of how you drain your field, you are going to get water off the field. If you are downstream one way or the other, the water is going to you anyway. It will even go above ground, tile line or it will just be flowing in your soil naturally. It moves to lower ground. That is what farmers do all the time. So, if you want to accelerate the pace of the water a little bit you will need to pay. But how do you pay that bill?
You will have to ensure you achieve more yield. The farmer needs to get the water off the field or out of the field to get more yield. More water gets used on the field with less going downstream.