
Intro to Computer Servers

Video Source A server is a large computer with a lot of computing power. It provides services to client computers, like your desktop at home. This video delves into the particulars of what a server is and how it works. Servers can be used for a variety of functions. Web servers host websites. Database servers give clients access to a…

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How to Safely Treat Lice

No parent will be content with their child’s lice-infested hair, according to nitpicker Anna Krosche. Physically removing lice and their eggs is the safest way to get rid of them without using pesticides, according to a new study by Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports outlines a step-by-step guide to removing hair lice. Materials required for lice removal include; a lubricant such…

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What is Epoxy Flooring?

In the video titled ‘How to Epoxy Coat Your Garage Floor| Must Watch For Diy’rs’, Mike provides the basic process of applying a tinted 100% solid epoxy coating to your garage floor. Mike describes a four-step process involved in applying an epoxy coat. These steps include; Prepping the floor. He uses a grinder (with diamond blades) connected to a vacuum…

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