Are you the proud owner of a furnace? If so congratulations! The thing is though, as a homeowner, we all know that sometimes problems come up. If you are running into any heating repair issues, here are some tips for fixing them.
Unlike ac repair, heating repair isn’t as easy as getting a new ac unit especially when you have a full-sized furnace in your laundry room. Home air conditioning repair is sometimes way easier than heat repairing service, and that’s why we have some tips to help you out.
If your furnace doesn’t seem to be getting hot, open the unit and check if the flame is lit or not. If you leave your furnace on year-round, you’ll notice a small flame that stays lit. This is the gas getting pumped into your furnace to keep it on so that you don’t have to worry about calling the gas company to come to restart the flame. One sure sign that you might have to call HVAC services is if you smell gas. As soon as this happens, make sure to call someone to assist you.