If you’ve recently found out that your child has special needs, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Here are some key numbers you should know.
How prevalent is autism?
Believe it or not, more than 3.5 million Americans now live with an autism spectrum disorder, with boys being almost five times more likely than girls to have it. In fact, it now affects one in 68 children. Autism is actually the fastest growing developmental disability around.
How much does it cost to care for a child with autism?
The bad news: the cost of caring for a child with autism is not cheap. The lifetime cost of caring is estimated to range from $3.5 million to $5 million. There’s insurance, non-covered expenses, educational spending, housing, transportation, supported employment, and caregiver costs to consider. Don’t panic, yet. There is good news. With early diagnosis and autism therapy treatment, the cost of lifelong autism-related care can actually be reduced by two-thirds.
What are autism’s warning signs?
That being said, keep an eye out for the early warning signs of autism. Children with autism have difficulties in five main areas: communication, social interaction, sensory processing, repetitive behavior, and information processing. Students with autism often have trouble communication their thoughts and feelings with others, as well as understanding directions, vocal cues, and facial cues. Many often exhibit challenging behaviors, such as bullying. Oftentimes, children with autism have trouble maintaining eye contact, being touched, and coping with loud environments. They may also feel the need to repeat behaviors and phrases over and over again. Lastly, they may also have a hard time processing information, because of how the brain’s synapses are connected.
To learn more, contact an autism center today. If you have any questions, such as how autism therapy can help, feel free to share in the comments.