Private schools elementary, Private schools miami fl, Private schools south florida

Is Private School Right for Your Child?

Everyone wants the best for their child. Sometimes it can be difficult to decipher just exactly what that may be, as parents are often bombarded with incoming information, suggestions, must-dos, and other tidbits of advice, from both well-intentioned sources and those who just want to demonstrate that they know better. It can be overwhelming. But what is most important is…

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Best private elementary schools in florida, Private schools coral gables, Why private schools are better

Many parents struggle with the decision to send, or not to send, their children to private school. Beginning with preschool, it has been found that children ages three to four who do attend a good preschool will score 21% higher when they take reading and math tests in kindergarten than do those children who never went to preschool. In addition,…

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Best schools in miami, High school basketball team, Private school coral gables fl

5 Top Reasons to Send Your Kids to a Private High School

High school is a seminal experience for most people. Adults look back on their time in high school for years and see a lot of their ideas and thoughts were developed during that period of their lives. If you have kids who are headed to high school, or will eventually, you may wonder if you should send them to public…

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