You’ve put your advanced degree (doctorate or master’s) to good use in the corporate world and it has allowed you to make a comfortable living. However, now you have a family and the demands of your job don’t leave you with as much time to spend with them as you’d like. There’s an easy solution to this problem; leave the corporate world behind and become an adjunct professor. While leaving the comfort and security of your day job might seem like a risk, there are some big benefits to be gained by making the switch to a job in higher education.
Work from Home or On-site
Job flexibility is one of the biggest benefits to taking an adjunct faculty job. You can work on campus in a classroom setting or from the comfort of your own home.
Adjunct teaching jobs online allow you to work as a professor remotely, for some of the biggest colleges in the nation. Student enrollment is online colleges is rising and with it, the demand for teaching professionals. In fact, colleges and universities have seen explosive growth in the last five years, growing by nearly 9.5% each year.
Ample Job Opportunities
Add to this the fact that nearly 50% of all college faculty jobs are held by on campus adjunct professors, or by those holding adjunct teaching jobs online, and your teaching prospects are almost limitless. As a matter of fact, there are nearly 3 million people employed by colleges and universities. Because you can hold adjunct teaching jobs online or on campus, you can work with more than one institute for higher education if you choose.
Enjoy More Time with Your Family
Whether you’re working on campus or from home, you’ll have more time to spend with your family. This is largely because most adjunct professors teach only about 9-12 classes each semester.
With set class hours, you can spend quality time with your loved ones when you aren’t teaching. No more missing important family functions because of business meetings or overtime. In fact, most administrative education jobs don’t require adjunct professors to attend faculty meetings. Additionally, you’re not required to perform many of the time consuming duties of a tenured professor, which also allows you to have more time to devote to your family.
If leaving your corporate job behind for an adjunct teaching position feels right for you, be sure to scour college and professional job boards for openings. When you apply, be sure to include a professional resume as well as a detailed cover letter stipulating your interest in the position as well as a condensed version of your qualifications.