Are you looking for jobs in educational administration? In order to secure jobs in higher education administration, you need to carefully avoid job search mistakes and faux pas. Some seemingly small mistakes during the infamous job hunt can be an even greater problem when you’re applying to a demanding position, such as college administration jobs. Here are a few mistakes to avoid point blank.
In Your Cover Letter: It’s Not All About You
All across the U.S., there are as many as 1,837 colleges and universities — and the hiring professionals have read thousands and thousands of cover letters wherein candidates have humbly (or not so humbly) discussed their achievements in great length. Doing the same exact thing is not going to get you the job. The better approach, experts say, it to read any particular job listing and tailor your cover to that. Tell colleges what you can do for them, how exactly you will bring your very best to the position, and the various ways you meet the specific requirements in the job description. Leave unrelated qualifications out.
On Your Resume: Writing Down Every Last Thing
If you are applying for a jobs in educational administration, for example, have a specific heading in your resume for “Administrative Experience.” Detail all of your most relevant experience in this section. List it very, and describe past accomplishments and responsibilities very clearly. Past experience that is less relevant can wait until the end of your resume — or you can leave it off altogether.
On Your Resume: Wasting Valuable Space
Similarly, some items on resume can come across as fluff or filler, and you don’t want that. For example, stating something like “references upon request” is just taking up unnecessary space. That’s an expectation — and saying that you can meet one of the most basic expectations isn’t going to win you any brownie points.
Collectively, U.S. colleges and universities earn over $442 billion per year — and you can be a part of that. Administrators may perform tasks not required of other faculty, such as adjuncts. Whatever the case may be, secure your future by tailoring cover letters to the job description, including your most relevant experience, and making efficient and economical use of resume space. See this reference for more.